Charity Raffle for Cambodian Charities and a little Video

Cambodia, Charity, umi hotels, umi Marketing 1 Comment on Charity Raffle for Cambodian Charities and a little Video

Hey Guys. It has been a long time since Cambodia but last night we held a little fund-raising raffle at a party at the umi Hotel in London. All in all we have raised £200 which has been split between the 5 Charities I visited in Siem Reap! It was great and from my personal visits there I really know that the money will help the local people of Cambodia. We also put together a little montagey video of my trip to Cambodia which you can click on here —>Cambodia Cambodia. I hope you enjoy. If you forgot which charities they were … Here they are:

Sala Bai Hotel School


Globalteer Sunday Football League

ABC Rice School

Grace House Community Centre

Off to St. Petersburg to visit a client of our with umi Marketing to take some snaps of the city and the Hostel so hope to share those with you next week.

Poster for our Raffle


Morning & Afternoon with the Guys and Girls of Rosy’s

Cambodia, Foreign Travel Market % Comments

Aren’t you all lucky people. 2 blogs from me in one day!

After the Temples this morning I spent time with the senior staff at Rosy’s going through some key points in regards SEO, the new website and how it will work in regards the structure and hopeful increase in business through it. Read the rest of this entry »

Sunset over Phnom Bakheng

Cambodia 1 Comment on Sunset over Phnom Bakheng

I love travelling and as I have said before, when I backpacked around the world in 2003/04 , the temples of Siem Reap were a real highlight. Over the next couple of days I will post you some of the photos that I have been lucky enough to take coming back a second time. There were a lot more tourists at this particular temple than last time but when you see the pictures you will see why. This shows off what a beautiful city Siem Reap is. Read the rest of this entry »

It Started with a School

Cambodia, Charity % Comments

So an early start to day in Siem Reap with a knock on the door at 730am and off to work we go! I accompanied Simon, who runs Rosy’s Guesthouse with Rachel, to a charity funded school about 15 minutes out of town from the guesthouse.

Read the rest of this entry »

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