Charity Raffle for Cambodian Charities and a little Video

Cambodia, Charity, umi hotels, umi Marketing 1 Comment on Charity Raffle for Cambodian Charities and a little Video

Hey Guys. It has been a long time since Cambodia but last night we held a little fund-raising raffle at a party at the umi Hotel in London. All in all we have raised £200 which has been split between the 5 Charities I visited in Siem Reap! It was great and from my personal visits there I really know that the money will help the local people of Cambodia. We also put together a little montagey video of my trip to Cambodia which you can click on here —>Cambodia Cambodia. I hope you enjoy. If you forgot which charities they were … Here they are:

Sala Bai Hotel School


Globalteer Sunday Football League

ABC Rice School

Grace House Community Centre

Off to St. Petersburg to visit a client of our with umi Marketing to take some snaps of the city and the Hostel so hope to share those with you next week.

Poster for our Raffle


A little TLC within Hospitality Management

umi hotels % Comments

I feel fortunate to have learnt very early on in my career that it is extremely important for the manager of any team or business to help create an environment that staff feel a part of, which in turn, enables them to enjoy their time with you. The hotel industry is often seen as underpaid, overworked and lacking in enjoyment; basically a hard slog. I strongly believe that this stereotype can be broken and I really try and make sure that all staff, in all departments, are involved in the decision making. I give them ownership in the business by working with them to drive innovation. Read the rest of this entry »

Sorry for the lack of Contact

book it with, umi Marketing % Comments

Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of contact. It has been a C R A Z Y few weeks and am just getting time to write you this.
What has happened in the past few weeks? Well loads?
What have i learnt? Well it is important to keep a diary. Read the rest of this entry »

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