And the Exchange is coming to an end

Foreign Travel Market 1 Comment

Well has time flown FAST!

These are the last few days of myself being in Siem Reap and a lot of the work we have done over the past week or so is not coming to a head. The website design is pretty much finalised and is the be built next week (will let you all know when it is live), the branding is out there for the first time on a poster for the Rosy Charity Raffle on Friday as well as confirmed designs for some paper based literature (done by Laurence at umi Marketing). Today, Rachel finished the final budget complete with other revenues (had only done the rooms revenue last week) and Simon, Rachel and I sat down and went through a few hours of both competitor analysis and SWOT analysis and a bit of a brainstorm as to where we can improve things further at the guesthouse. Finally, we have been frantically writing content for the new website so that it will be an easyish for the guys at 2am who have kindly agreed to build the website for us ( ). New Rosy Business Card . V funky! Check it out here

All in all a very hectic but enjoyable day. It is great to see the excitement in the Khmer staff following the training yesterday as well as they have been asking further questions today which shows that it sunk it and they want to learn more. It is also great to see that Simon and Rachel have been really enthusiastic about not only the creative design bits and pieces but embraced the more formal accounting and strategic advice.

It is a bit sad that this exchange is coming to an end but really do feel that I have made some great friends here and also think the exchange communication and development will continue for a few weeks yet!

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