Morning visiting some amazing Charities

Cambodia, Charity No Comments

Hey guys. After a busy day of training and some design finalising in the evening, I spent the morning going around the further two charities that the Rosy Guesthouse support.

The first place I visited the the Trailblazer HQ (have explained about them in previous blogs and their website is ).I was able to see their setup and was really impressed. Whether it was the farming training, the mushroom growing (that will be sold in Siem Reap to raise funds) or the process of how they make the water filters (all from scratch, cement into cast, small stones, large stones, sand etc. really amazing) it was a great initiative. They are currently installing about 8 filters in different villages each week and have a constant flow of volunteers helping to create the filters. They have also installed water pumps into different villages to allow them to get water out of the ground more efficiently. Below is their work in action.

Next Simon (from Rosy’s) and I jumped in our Tuk Tuk and headed of to Grace House community centre ( again mention in previous blogs) . Wow what another amazing initiative.. In 2 years they have basically built up a whole community centre with classrooms for pre-school, 7-12, 13-18 and adults teaching English and others, an electricians school, wood turning school and even a weaving school and a small library. There was a little football pitch , a volleyball court and a really lovely atmosphere all around. All the stuff has been donated including a really generous donation of all the equipment for the wood turning equipment from Australia. The idea is, with all the classes whether they  be practical or English, is to give the students, no matter age, the skills to do something with themselves and help others in the community. Check out the photos below.

Just heading to the Sala Bai Hotel School so hope to have some more snaps and info about that later.

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