Back in Blighty (that’s Britain if you were not sure!)

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Wow so 2 weeks away and feel almost over dressed by coming to work in jeans and trousers (no flip flips or shorts!) never mind the wind and the grey skies.

So back in the UK and boy it has been a busy day. Ranging from SEO debates with 2am in regards the umi Websites, to finishing off some of the Rosy marketing items, including the new website which we hope to launch tomorrow! Read the rest of this entry »

And the Exchange is coming to an end

Foreign Travel Market 1 Comment on And the Exchange is coming to an end

Well has time flown FAST!

These are the last few days of myself being in Siem Reap and a lot of the work we have done over the past week or so is not coming to a head. The website design is pretty much finalised and is the be built next week (will let you all know when it is live), the branding is out there for the first time on a poster for the Rosy Charity Raffle on Friday as well as confirmed designs for some paper based literature (done by Laurence at umi Marketing). Read the rest of this entry »

And an Afternoon in front of a PC

Cambodia 1 Comment on And an Afternoon in front of a PC

After the excitement of the morning helping out at the school, the guys from Rosy Guesthouse and I sat down to discuss the future with their website, explained a little about SEO and generally had a really good brainstorm about what the website should look and like and what content it should have in. We also then looked through various back end options that the guys already have to see if it matches what they need etc.

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